What Does My Pelvic Ultrasound Report Indicate?
I a post menopausal female of age 58 (Last menses at age 48-49). My pelvic ultrasound report says:
Urinary bladder is normal in distensibility and wall thickness. The lumen is echo free. Uterus is anteverted, anteflexed, and bulky in size. It measures 11.0 x 3.8 cm. Myometrial echos are homogeneous. Endometrium is thickened for the postmenopausal woman and measuring approximately 9.7 mm. Junctional zones appear smooth and intact. (Advise: Endometrial biopsy to rule out CA endometrium.)
Right ovary is normal in size, shape, and echogenecity. It measures 2.2 x 0.9 cm.
Left ovary is not visualized, however, no adnexal lesions seen.
Cul-de-sac is clear.
This will need further evaluation, likely biopsy
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
You have not mentioned whether this was a routine scan or were there any symptoms. In particular I would like to know if you have any abnormal bleeding of late.
Even if you do not have any symptoms, the endometrial thickness (inside lining of the uterus) is a bit high (cutoff 5 mm) for a postmenopausal woman. This may be a harbinger of endometrial cancer (just a pointer and not confirmatory by any means).
Hence it will require further evaluation by a gynecologist, most likely with a hysteroscopy (direct visualization with a telescope) and biopsy. These are quite safe in good hands.
Hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer further followup queries, if any.