What Does My Retrograde Urethrogram Report Indicate?
My name is Gurudath 24 years male.
Retrograde uretherography report is showing "short segment partial stricture at the junction of bulbar and membranous part of urethra". Urologist is saying I have to under go laser operation for this.
My question is " is there any cure with out operation. If operation is the only way, than operation is a temporary solution or the permanent solution". Please explain
Surgery is the only treatment option.
Detailed Answer:
Hi Gurupatel and welcome to HCM.
As an Urologist,i can understand your concern.
There's no cure without an operation.
Whether it's curative or not,depends on result of surgery.
The treatment for stricture urethra,depends on various factors :
1. The cause of stricture: infection,trauma,or some other cause.
2. The length of stricture and it's location.
3. The duration of stricture.
4. Whether previous surgery has been done.
5. If medical conditions like diabetes or cancer are present.
The result of surgery depends on, experience of the surgeon.
In your case.it's a short segment stricture and a first attempt at treatment.
All factors seem favorable. I assume you'll get it done by an experienced surgeon.
However,i can't give an expert opinion,without seeing the urethrogram orRU.
Also,i've no idea about the surgeons experience.
Laser surgery is an option, for short segment strictures.
If you can send me the RU or urethrogram pictures,i can give an expert opinion.
Also mention,how the stricture formed.
Wish you well.
Dr.Matthew J. Mangat.