What Does My Ultrasound Scan Report Indicate?
Diagnosed with fally liver one year ago but had a normal ultrasound 6 months ago. All normal blood work 6 months ago.
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Detailed Answer:
HI and welcome.
YOur description is pretty nonspecific and it would be helpful if you describe your pain more precisely. Does it radiate to some other parts of abdomen? Is there associated nausea, vomit, diarrhea or weight loss? or fever?
is it associated with periods, constipation?
In some cases there may be small umbilical hernia that causes such pain, or diverticulitis and if this is under the umbilicus it may indicate ovarian issues.
Ultrasound may reveal liver, spleen or cyst disorders but some colon and bowel issues should be ruled out with colonoscopy.
Fatty liver may go with such pain but rarely. In every case, dietary measures may be beneficial, and should include high fibre food, boiled food, milk products and vegetables. Spicy food, fried, coffee and alcohol should be avoided.
Tell me more about this pain and I ll tell you possible causes and treatment.
Wish you good health. Regards
I asked about fatty liver because of portal hypertension. I read it was a symptom of liver disease and presented with similar pain in the belly button. I had a normal ultrasound in april. Would it be unusual to have something that advanced so quickly?
Thank you
Detailed Answer:
Well,fatty liver or gallbladder stones may develop within few months. If there is no constant pain then in most cases this is related to irritable bowel syndrome or diverticulosis. It would be good to do colonoscopy to rule these out. cancer is the last thing to think of but if pain persist,some endoscopy or CT scan should be done. constipation should be treated with magnesium supplements and probiotics. Liver markers should be checked once in a month. Wish you good health. Regards