What Does My Ultrasound Scan Test Report Indicate?
right ovary: 1.7x2.3x1.3cm with normal blood flow and several small follicles
left ovary: 3.2x2.2x2.4cm with normal blood flow and multiple, peripheral follicles
also noted: dilated,bilateral periuterine veins.
I am confued, my obgyn was not clear in what any of this means. I am trying to conceive and don't know if I am even ovulating?
Essentially normal.
Detailed Answer:
Hi there,
Welcome to HCM,
The report given is essentially normal.
The sizes of the ovaries are normal and the presence of follicles is also a sign that ovulation is occurring.
The only question is how many follicles, if you could tell me that, as follicles more than 10 per ovary, indicate polycystic ovary and could lead to problems with ovulation but if they are less than ten and the size of the ovary as you have mentioned looks like a normal ovulating ovary.
The dilated veins could be due to some inflammation and you need not be concerned about it, some findings on ultrasound are incidental and not helpful in treatment, these dilated veins are something like that.
To be certain that you are ovulating do a AMH level blood test.
Hope this satisfies your concern.
single small cyst not a concern
Detailed Answer:
Well as the blood supply to the ovary is normal, and it's less than 5 cms and it's just a single cyst it is not a problem. We can ignore it.
You could repeat an ultrasound 6 months from now to confirm it's not getting bigger. Most likely that it would have disappeared by then.
Hope this helps.