What Does My Urine Analysis Report Indicate?
(1)Urin roution examinatio-
physical examination result-
(2)wbc count-77%
You could be having what is called a URINARY TRACT INFECTION.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to healthcare Magic. Thank you for posting your question. I have gone through every detail of your post. I can understand your concern.
Let me solve your queries one by one.
1.The haemoglobin is absolutely perfect.
2. The WBC count value is not correct. I think what you have posted is the % of neutrophill. Get back to us with the correct total leukocyte count and differential count.
Coming to the urianysis.
A positive nitrite test indicates that bacteria may be present in significant numbers. Gram negative rods such as E. coli are more likely to give a positive test.
You should drink plenty of water.
Proper antibiotics should be based upon culture and sensitivity report.
If you develop fever ,take tablet Paracetamol.
Hope this helps.
Write back to us.
Have a nice day.