What Does Persistent High Blood Sugar Level Despite Medication Indicate?
Regular insulin premeal long acting / basal at night
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. With intake of apple juice , there might be glucose in it. Raw apple is fine but juice might have some glucose in it. Another explanation to this hyperglycemia spike is inadequate dosage. with even conservative dose of insulin lantus should be at least 20 units and novolog at 10. I recommend usually long acting basal insulin at night instead to rapid acting like aspart/ novolog in evening. That gives a better steady state and does not cause these hyperglycemic spikes.
Nutshell its likely dose insufficiency and needs re adjustment and strict following of ADA diet. Keep an eye on your RBS and talk to your endocrinologist for long acting basal insulin at night . You can use 6 units of novolog pre meal in breakfast and lunch and long acting basal insulin like glargine / lantus at night. That will give a better glycemic control.
Talk to your endocrinologist and let them decide what is best for you.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.