What Does Positive Mantoux Test Report Indicate?
Healthy individual positive mantoux not significan
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare-Magic
Greetings of the day
Let me assure you one thing there is definitely no cause for concern.
Mantoux test is done by injecting purified protein derivative (PPD) intradermal. Positive result only indicates hypersensitivity to the PPD component. In the absence of clinical symptoms it does not denote active disease. Mantoux test may be positive even in normal healthy individual due to following reasons
1. Past BCG immunization
2. Past subclinical infection: Majority of people especially in developing country are exposed to infection. They develop immunity without getting active disease
As mentioned by you that you have good health and Chest X ray is normal and there is no other other focus of disease elsewhere in body . Presence of positive Mantoux test does not carry any significance.
Rest be assured
In case you require any further assistance, will be glad to assist you.
Take care
Best Regards
Dr T Shobha Deepak