What Does Presence Of Blood Clots After Having Urostomy Placed Suggest?
She's so devastated and wondering the ethical thing to do with her father.
Probably it is a palliative scenario
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
I understand your concerns. We need a bit more detail to form an opinion in his case. I guess it is an advanced cancer in which the cancer has spread so much that the urine system got blocked and there is no scope of chemotherapy because of poor general health of the patient. Hence, the urostomy has been done to vent the urine out. But as the disease is still there, the bleeding and foul odour continues. Please correct me if I am wrong and don't hesitate to write back with the correct scenario.
If I am correct in guessing the scenario, then best supportive care is appropriate, including hospice care. Blood transfusion is considered a part of palliation as per international consensus and it can be done. But the most important part is try and mainatin quality of life and let him pass the last few days with dignity.
Hope this helps.