What Does Swollen Scalp Means? Does It Cause Any Difference In Height Measurement?
This might sound a bit strange and funny, but please bear with me. Thanks in advance.
1. What does it actually mean by 'swollen scalp'? Someone told me that even if I don't notice any redness or rash on my scalp, my scalp can sometimes be swollen. Is that true? If my scalp is swollen does it mean it goes in more than usual when I press it?
2. Does swollen scalp make your height measurement come out different? Some of my friends told me when they press the vertex of their scalp, it is a bit soft and presses in more than other parts. If I press my scalp inward very hard, it goes in a tiny bit, would that be around 0.3cm? (from the skull) Should I deduct that from my height?
I really need clear explanation. Thank you very much.