What Does The Following ECG Stress Test Result Indicate?
Thank you
Automatically generated report by machine is not always correct
Detailed Answer:
Dear Mrs,
It seems that you have automatic generated response from machine, which is not always correct.In this case right atrial enlargement, right ventricular hypertrophy and multiple myocardial infarctions could be interpreted incorrectly by machine. Right bundle brunch block can be seen in healthy adults. ST elevation can be observed as a sign of early repolarisation pattern in young people, which is not concidered as annormality. Premature contraction is a type of arrhythmia, which can be found in healthy adults as well . It causes complaints of skips beats which you have.
So, I think you have nothing to worry. Anyway, if you are concerned much, you can undergo echocardiography, which is more sensitive for majority of these abnormalities.
Hope I could help you
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Detailed Answer:
Dear Mrs,
The report you present is actually interpretation of a rest ECG and not stress test. Sensitivity and specificity are different for different parameters of ECG, for stress test it is about 67% sensitivity and 72 % specificity.
I just wonder why did you undergo stress test if you have no complaints besides skipped beats.
On your ECG, for right atrial enlargement and right ventricular hypertrophy, ECG has low specificity, so if we suspect something in our patients we perform an echocardiography. But if you have no complaints at all, don't worry, there is no need.
For skipped beats, which are premature heart contractions, if they bother you, the best test is holter monitoring. It is an examination, when 24 hour ECG is registered. If you have 200 or less premature contractions during examination, then there is nothing to worry and no need for treatment.
Take care
Always welcome
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Take care