What Does The Following Angiogram Report Indicate?
Coronary Angiogram Report
Left Main Coronary Artery : 5mm in caliber and shows 50% ostial and proximal stenosis
Left Anterior Descending Artery : Type III and shows 80% mid segment stenosis . Two small branches are diffusely diseased.
Left Circumflex Artery : Dominant and shows 50% mid and 99% distal stenosis . Three OM branches are diffusely diseased
Right Coronary Artery : Non dominant and shows 90% mid and diffuse distal disease
Impression :
50% left main with diffuse triple vessel coronary artery disease
Normal LV Function : EF 60% (On Echo)
There are certain family decisions to be made . Please let me know
She may need Bypass surgery
Detailed Answer:
I am Dr.Rajesh Teli,MD.Thanks for using HCM.I have gone through your query.
Any block in coronary artery above 70% and block above 50% in Left main coronary requires revascularization either angioplasty or bypass surgery.In such blocks inspite of adequate medication there remains risk of heart attack.
looking at the report I suggest that she should undergo bypass surgery ,however I need to look at actual film to guide you perfectly .We must know risk of surgery in her case.I would like to look at ECG and Echo reports .what is pumping ability of her heart I.e. LVEF ?
I request you to send me these reports and send angio film as zip file.
But you should prepare her for bypass surgery,
my best wishes