What Does The Following Thyroid Test Report Indicate?
Recently My undergone Advanced Thyroid Test in which ANTI MICROSOMAL ANTIBODY (AMA) was more than the desired limit and rest of Thyriod test T3,T4,,TShHFT3 and FT4 were in Normal Range.Could you please let us know what does Positivie test of ANTI MICROSOMAL ANTIBODY (AMA) signifies whether it would bring any health complications and laso we are trying to concive does it have any problem .Please let me know the tretment and remedies to make it to normal range
About thyroid autoimmune disease;
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for asking!
Antithyroid microsomal antibody test is also called a thyroid peroxidase test.
They are slightly positive, meaning that your body produces these antibodies wich destroy the thyroid gland, lowering it's function in the future.
It is an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto thyroiditis and usually is inherited.
For the moment, the thyroid function is normal ( usually it is altered when more than 80% of the gland is destroyed). But you have to check the TSH level once in a year, to " catch" the moment when the function is lowered and start treatment with levothyroxine (thyroid hormone) to substitute the hormone that the thyroid gland should produce.
There is no treatment to lower the antithyroid microsomal antibodies so to prevent the thyroid destruction.
So, all you have to do is to check TSH level once a year and start levothyroxine when it is over 4 mUi/ ml, or when it is over 2.5mUi/ ml if you plan a pregnancy.
As long as TSH level is under 2.5 mUi/ ml, it does not affect fertility.
Hope the information will help.
Kind regards,
In order to make it to normal do we need to follow any diet or do we have any specific home remedies to make sure that it will not get increased further.
Also my wife is gaining more weight even though she is having less food. Her weight increased from 62 to 72 in 1 year so was concerned if this is causing to gain her weight or we need to perform any other test.
About thyroid antibodies treatment:
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back,
As i mentioned before, there is no treatment to lower the antibodies or prevent the increase of their titer.
There are studies that confirm a positive effect of selenium supplements, so she may try it : selenium 100 mg, once a day.
Regarding to weight gain, thyroid gland is not responsible as long as its function is within the normal ranges.
A detailed clinical examination and personal history (lifestyle changes, medications used that may cause weight gain ect) would be of help to try to find the cause.
Hope i have been helpful.
Kind regards,