What Does The Following Urine Analysis Report Indicate?
colour -Pale Yellow
Appearance -Slightly Hazy
PH -5.5
Protein - detected +++
Blood - Detected ++
WBC - 8-10
RBC -8-10
In blood test, it is found
RBC - 5.19
Neutrophils 60
Her HB is 12.5
Is it an infection or any other serious concern?
Urine analysis is suggestive of infection or inflammation of kidneys
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for contacting Healthcaremagic.
The above urine analysis shows excess proteins, blood cells and pus cells. It is suggestive of either infection or inflammation of kidneys (Pyleonephritis/glomerulonephritis-either acute or chronic) or less likely bladder.
Could you please answer the following questions.
1) Has she got fever
2) Has she got pain in her loins/back
3) Is she unwell
4) Has she got any urinary symptoms
5) Is this the first similar episode
6) What is her blood WBC count/TC count
7) Has she got any other symptoms
Please get back to me as soon as possible with the above answers and I will be able to give specific advice based on the above.
Thank you
It is likely an infection of kidneys.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for answering my questions.
The condition is indicative of infection of kidneys. I am happy to hear that she is getting better with antibiotics and that the WBC is not high.
I would advice to continue the same antibiotics for 10 days and also get an urgent ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder to make sure there is no underlying abnormality of the kidneys or bladder which has caused the infection.
Depending on the ultrasound findings, she might need further tests.
If ultrasound is normal then nothing to worry. ask her to drink adequate fluids, avoid constipation and do frequent voiding. She can also take cranberry capsules - 6 per day for about 3 months.
If ultrasound is abnormal then get back to me with the report.
Occasional infections can occur in this age group and as long as they do not happen frequently then nothing to worry.
Her body temperature has fluctuations between 96 degree to 102 degrees.
This is bit worrying..waiting for test results of malaria, dengue and other fever types.
Await result of other tests
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for updating me and also providing more information.
The presence of pus cells, protein and blood in the urine indicates affection of kidneys either primarily(like pyelonephritis or glomeulonephritis) or secondary to systemic illness.
You had indicated that your daughter is getting better. We will have to wait for the results of the tests for other infections. It would be useful to ask a nephrologist to see the patient as well to get a nephritis screen done.
In pyelonephritis , i have seen that temperature might take some time to settle down after infection is treated especially if the organisms are only partially sensitive to the given antibiotics.
Please get back to me if i may be of any help further.