What Does The Low LH Level In Blood?
Estrogen 115
LH 1.7
FSH 5.6
My GP says LH is too low what can I do about it and can I conceive naturally?
My husband semen morphology was 5% is that good enough
More data necessary for a definitive comment!
Detailed Answer:
Hi! your FSH level is excellent, being less than 6; LH should be less than 7 on day 3 and more than 20 on day 14..therefore your value should be considered in view of the day of test! Estrogen level also seems normal as normal day 3 value is 25-75 and more than 100 if taking medicines for fertility!
Therefore, it is still possible to conceive on your part but I would like to know blood sugar, insulin, prolactin and thyroid hormones also and ultrasonography report of the ovaries if there is any cysts...!
Semen morphology (? normal) only 5% is not good enough and up to 40% is acceptable;he needs treatment. The detailed report is needed for better opinion.
Welcome with feedback,
It is only theoretical!
Detailed Answer:
Hi! thanks for the feedback!
Due to revolutions in reproductive medicine some people are considering 4% as cut off but WHO/Kruger recommends more than 30 and 14% as cut-off; in my experience, people face problem when normal sperms are less than 45% as abnormal forms predominate; however, assisted methods/medicines can help this situation.
I also congratulate you as your values are quite acceptable; not to worry much.
Hope for the best; regards,