What Does The Semen Analysis Report Indicate?
I got married 1 year back and we are trying for a baby. Yesterday I have undergone with semen analysis and the below are the report results.
Time of Liquefaction : Morethan 4 hrs
Coagulam/Liquefaction : Delayed
Quantity : 2ml
Consistency : Normal
Fructose : Present
PH : Alkaline
Sperm count : 30 million/ml
Abnormal forms : 06 %
Total Motility : 40 %
Grade A (Rapid Progressive) : 05 %
Grade B (slow or Sluggish) : 10 %
Grade C (Non Progressive Motility: 25 %
Grade D (Immotility) : 60 %
PUS Cells : Occassional
Macrophages : 1 to 3
I am worried about my semen analysis. Is the infection caused to delayed Liquefaction and low motility. How can I reduce Liquefaction time? How can I improve motility?
liquefaction time is prolonged due to infection
Detailed Answer:
Dear sir,welcome to healthcare magic.I understand your concern.
In my opinion your semen analysis seems to be ok but for the motility and infection. Usually the liquefaction time is 30 mins but it is prolonged in case of seminal infection. Presence of macrophages also indicate infection. You might need a course of antibiotics for the infection. Normal motility is >50%.Your report is saying 40%.So there is decreased motility.
Following are the instructions to improve -
1)Avoid work under hot environments.
2)Wear loose cotton underwear.
3)Avoid drug abuse like smoking,alcohol or tobacco.
4)If obese control the weight.
5)Rule out any diabetes or thyroid abnormalities.
Don't worry a single semen analysis is not used to confirm the diagnosis.
Only after 3 negative reports the diagnosis is confirmed.
I usually prescribe the following in a similar case:-
1)Tab.lycopene one daily for 3 months to improve sperm motility and survival.
2)A course of antibiotics for the infection.
And after 3 months you can again repeat the test.
Dont worry. Dont take stress. Even stress may impair the effectiveness of the sperm. Be relaxed.
Hope this satisfies your query.
Feel free to ask any more queries.
Best regards....Dr.srilatha