What Does The Ultrasound Scan Report Indicate?
suspected anomaly ...endocardial cushion defect.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query to hcm,
The third ultrasound does comment on an echogenic focus in the left ventricle which is again commonly seen in 5 % of foetuses anddoesnt necessarily means that the foetus may be a down syndrome. As all the soft tissue markers and maternal screen 4 test showed low risk, an isolated soft marker may not certify the diagnosis at all. The Best Way To Diagnose downs in the present setting would be a non invasive prenatal trisomy 21 screening with maternal blood or an amniocentesis for karyotyping.
But as it was too early for the level 2 scan to be done in 17 weeks gestational age, it is suggested that a repeat scan may be undertaken between 18-20 weeks gestation and if possible a 3D ultrasound can offer a clearer picture or if a foetal echo is possible at this stage by the radiologist , it should be helpful.
Nevertheless , there are no gross abnormalities in the child and hence we have to wait for further investigation. Baby is growing well for the age.