What Does This CT Scan Of Abdomen And Pelvis Indicate?
probably nothing serious
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Hi and welcome to HCM.
Wall thickening of first and second part of duodenum is a nonspecific sign and it may indicate certain duodenal wall changes or the duodenum was undistended so the ct image showed thickening,in this case this is not abnormal finding.
In first case,wall thickening can occur due to inflammation of duodenum as we see in duodenal ulcer or leas common in duodenal tumors. However, tumors would show some other CT features. In every case, for the exact diagnosis it is necessary to do endocopy and take biopsies of duodenal wall. Umbilical hernia is benign conditions which may cause some pain but no serious consequances. ovarian cyst is also common and benign. Fibroids are benign tumors of uterus, it should be surgically treated if there are symtoms such as pain or vaginal bleeding,itherwie, only follow up is required.
Wish you good health. regards
sorry I have no gallbladder..
also, I am bloated, with pain in upper abdomen as well
shortness of breath as well..could all of this be cancer related? or celiac disease?
I know that I am vitamin b-12 defiance and anemic..
several possible causes
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celiac disease is not likely since it would cause symptoms much earlier in life.
YOu may suffer from irritable colon syndrome or hiatal hernia which are benign diseases and anxiery worsen symptoms.. Also, you may have food allergies.
Cancers are last thing to think of but it should be always ruled out.
you should do both gastroscopy and colonoscopy.
pancreas issues are another possibility of such pain.
Wish you good health.
did you do gastroscopy and colonoscopy?
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This is good for you. but did you do gastroscopy and colonoscopy?
ct scan cant visualize inside stomach and bowel.
then probably duodenitis
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if no other pathology is found then thus may be inflamation of duodenal mucosa. it is treated with antiacid diet, and medications for stomach acid reducing. Shortness of breath is caused by anaemia. Cancer of abdomen is ruled out by ct scan and endoscopy. You can get back to me with reports.