What Does This Abdominal Ultrasound Report Indicate?
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Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you for asking on HCM.
I read abdominal ultrasound report of your friend and I can say as follows:
1. His liver size 160mm is in upper limit of normal.The liver size depends a lot from BMI, high and weight of your friend.
2.I need to know more of his medical information like:
- why he has done abdominal ultrasound?
- dose he has any other symptoms?
- is he overweight?
- dose he drink alcohol?
- dose he suffer
3. With regards to distended bowel loops/gas it may be related with :
- constipation
- slow digestion food and gas overproduction
- bowel issues
If I were his treating doctor i would repeat abdominal US by using simethicone one day before exam. Simethicone will help to decrease gas production and perform an accurate US report.
I would like to suggest doing further exams to better evaluate liver like :
- liver panel ( AST ,ALT,bilirubin level,GGT)
- blood work
- lipid profile
4.Before giving my opinion if ayuverdic medicine will you help I need to find the cause of his health situation.
I am waiting for more medical data of your friend.
Meantime wish you health.