What Does This Endoscopy Report Indicate?
I recently had an endoscopy and everything seemed normal according to my doctor except for some gerd symtoms such as erythema in my esophagus and stomach. Ive had heartburn for around 5 months now. On my report it states that i have "an irregular Z-line at the e/g junction." I didnt know what it was so i researched it online and it seems like everyone says that it is related to Barrets. My doctor never mentioned anything about Barrets to me though. I am 22 and have had gastric problems in the past but nothing lasting more than 6 months. Should i be worried about this. I will attach the pictures here. Please also indicate which picture shows my Z line and why it is abbormal?
You will need to be on long term medicines.
Detailed Answer:
Eryhtema is a normal finding and earliest sign of changes due to Gastritis.
Irregular Z line could suggest GERD.
Barrets esophagus is related to Gastritis but it takes a long time - many years and but then can become cancerous.
You should consult a Gastroenterlogist for the same. This is usually treated with medicines called PPIs twice a day.
You could take Pantoprazole 40mg or Esomeprazole or Omeprazole twice a day on empty stomach, half an hour before meals or you could combine it with Domperidone which increases the speed with which the food empties from the stomach.
Only medical management is usually given and no surgery is indicated mostly.
I suggest you start the medicines and start avoiding any spicy food or hot beverages. Avoid lying down immediately after meals and sleep with a few pillows under your head to raise your head end.
Take care and let me know if there are any queries on this issue.