What Does This Imaging Diagnostic Test Report Indicate?
With my best efforts do you think its reversible.
Cirrhosis /Fibrosis is irreversible
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcaremagic
Greetings of the day
Cirrhosis is last feature of Alcoholic Liver disease. Presence of F3 Liver fibrosis Is irreversible. As there are no other symptoms of Liver cell failure (other Liver function test are normal ) the aim is to prevent further damage to Liver. Stopping alcohol is the mainstay of treatment .
I would recommend you the following
1. Regular assessment by Ultrasound scan annually
2. Biannually Liver function test
3. Complete stoppage of alcohol in all forms
4. Gastroscopy annually to rule out varices
Do get back to me if you need any further assistance, will be glad to assist you.
Take care
Best regards
Dr Deepak Kaltari
Consultant Surgeon
I read that if weight reduction happens and alcohol is stopped, studies show reversibility of fibrosis.
Yes, cirrhosis is not reversible.
what are the chances of turning into cirrhosis after all the care is taken.
should I go for liver biopsy?
sir, lastly can LFT stay normal even at f3 fibrosis with no symptoms
It is irreversible
Detailed Answer:
Presence of fibrosis is hallmark of Cirrhosis. Grading of fibrosis is radiological diagnosis , whereas Cirrhosis is Histopathological diagnosis. Liver Biopsy is presently not indicated as other Liver function test are normal. Radiological finding correlates well with histopathological diagnosis
For the fibrosis to set in requires years of consumption of alcohol. The damage has already been done. Fibrosis Stage 3 is irreversible . Stopping alcohol will prevent any further additional damage. Stage 1 may be reversible to certain extent.
Fibrosis just goes to say that Liver has healed with scarring( as with any wound scarring is irreversible ).
Usually LFT will stay normal if the progression of fibrosis stops after discontinuing use of alcohol and weight reduction. It can be only assessed by sequentially following up with scan and Liver function test.
Take Care
Best Regards
Dr Deepak
by profession I am a commercial pilot.
in your judgement purely in your profession, can I be allowed to fly as a pilot with this condition if my LFT stay normal and the disease doesn't progress.
I understand the medical board will have its own defined protocol.
but was just asking in your judgement.
sir, how can the ultrasound miss f3 fibrosis.
You are medically fit
Detailed Answer:
Normal Liver function test, including coagulation profile implies there is no biochemical evidence of Liver cell failure. With Normal Liver function test and absence of Oesophageal Varices you are medically fit for the profession in my opinion. The matter is subject to rules and regulation of your governing body.
Ultrasound is operator dependent investigation and due to that variation sometimes it could be missed on Ultrasound.
Wishing you best of luck
Best Regards