What Does This Liver Function Test Result Indicate?
Albumin 3.9, lab reference range 3.7-4.8
Albumin 4.4, lab reference range 3.0-5.5
Bilirubin .5 , lab reference range <1.2
Bilirubin, total .8, lab reference range 0-1.5
AST 16, lab reference <35
AST 19, lab reference range 10-50
ALT 17, lab reference rage <75 (this high range was surprising and makes me question if I can compare to the 2014 result)
ALT 9, reference range 2-50
alkaline phosphate: 38, lab range <130
alkaline phosphate: 34, lab range 40-150
What is concerning me is the change in the Albumin and ALT but the reference ranges for the labs are very different.
detailed below.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare Magic.
I read carefully your query and I have evaluated your lab tests.
You have nothing to worry about,all liver tests are in normal range and there is no indication of any problem at all.Everything seems to be fine.
There are many factors ,metabolic or technical that can affect a lab test .Considering all this is very rare to have exact the same number of a specific test in different times and labs.
The important thing is that your liver function is completely normal.The variation in the test results is completely expected.
The reference range for a specific test can change in different laboratories but important is for the result to be within normal range ,the range of that lab.
Hope it helps.
Please feel free to ask if you have any question.
Kind regards,
Dr.Rovena Murati