What Does This Semen Analysis Indicate Inspite Of Trying To Conceive?
everything is ok expect
pus cell is 3-5 hpf
and progressive motility is 44
pls suggest
Please repeat semen analysis once more
Detailed Answer:
I wish you had provided more details but as of now things do not look bad. I also wish you had mentioned the sperm count which is very important. The pus cells figure is not too high and is acceptable. The motility could be better, and a figure over 50% would be preferable but we usually do not go by the report of only one analysis. I suggest you repeat the semen analysis again after one month after the first report and this should preferably be done at a clinic where the lab is very well versed with a proper technique of semen testing as advised by WHO. If the reports persistently suggest that there is an issue, we can go for further testing such as with an ultrasound of scrotum and a basic biochemical workup such as FSH, LH, Testosterone, Prolactin.
Let me know the progress.