What Does This Ultrasound Of Thyroid Indicate?
nodule with no signs of calcification measuring 1.0cmx1.1cmx.7cm. Should I be worried this is cancer?
Thyroid nodule
Detailed Answer:
There are several factors that help determine the risk of cancer in a thyroid nodule.
A solid nodule like the one you have is one such risk factor. However there are many other, some of which include:
Hypoechoic nodule (yours is isoechoic)
Irregular margins
Taller than wider in a certain dimension
Abnormal lymph nodes nearby
These are some of the ultrasound features that suggest the possibility of cancer.
However, there are other risk factors that need to be taken into account such as:
Past history of thyroid cancer
Family history of thyroid cancer
Exposure to upper body radiation to the head / neck area for cancer or other reasons
Large nodule with 'pressure symptoms' in the neck such as
difficulty speaking/breathing/swallowing or hoarseness/change in voice
Hard nodule that is fixed and immobile
Blood tests, a detailed history and physical examination and USG together enable the endocrinologist to make decision as to whether the nodule should be subjected to a Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology/Biopsy (FNAC). This procedure gives a fair idea regarding the chance of cancer in the nodule.
So just on the basis of your report of a solid isoechoic nodule 1 cm by 1.1 by 0.7 cm , it is hard to pronounce the risk of cancer, although statistically only about 5% of thyroid nodules are cancerous