What Does This Urinalysis Indicate?
color yellow appearance clear glocuse urine negative <30 specific gravity 1.016
ketone negative blood moderate ph urine 7.0 protein negative nitrites negative leukocyte esterase neative
urobilinogen urine normal bilirubin negative
wbc <3 rbc high 24 <2 squamous epithelial 0-5 bacteria few mucous thread rare
I am freaking out from google search of cancer and infections
I feel no sypmtoms of uti :(
Get Investigated.
Detailed Answer:
Dear Friend.
Welcome to HCM. I am Dr Anshul Varshney. I understand your concern.
I have reviewed your history and reports.
Only problem in your report is presence of RBC's.
Most commonly there are 2 reasons for this:
1. Urinary Tract Infection - Doesn't always presents with symptoms.
2. Stone any where in urinary Tract - which itself can precipitate UTI.
I advise following in such condition:
1. To get a Urine Culture and Sensitivity done which would tell which organism is growing and which is the appropriate antibiotic.
2. To get an Ultrasound of Kidneys and Urinary bladder - to see for any stone.
3. To get a Kidney function test done.
4. To get your blood sugar and blood pressure checked.
Once we have the reports we can give you a definitive diagnosis.
Till then consume lot of water.
If you have any further query please ask me.
Stay Healthy.