What Does This Urinalysis Report Indicate?
August 2016 a hospital found that the stone grew to 8mm with pyelonephritis. Left the stone and gave ciprofloxacin.
December 4, 2016 a hospital showed the stone to be 9-10mm with pyelonephritis. Placed a stent, and left the stone and gave ciprofloxacin.
This UA is from May 31, 2017 @ 7:59 p.m.
Turbidity- Cloudy
Color- Yellow
pH- 6.0
Spec Gravity- 1.020
Glucose- Negative
Blood- Moderate
Ketones- Negative
Protein- Trace
Urobilinogen- Negative
Bilirubin- Negative
Leukocyte Ester- Moderate
Nitrite- Positive
RBC/HPF- 11-20/HPF
Bacteria- Occasional
Squamous Epith/LPF- Rare/LPF
I've had blood in my urine, severe pain to where narcotics don't even help and tons more. I am a mother to 4, regular tobacco smoker abt. 1 pack a day, cirrhosis of the liver unknown cause, splenectomy 2012, appendectomy 2012, rib fractures 2012, chest tube 2012, portal vein thrombosis active since 2013, blood transfusion 2013
Thank you
It is high time for stone to be treated by appropriate modality.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query .
Based on the facts and report of your urine analysis you have UTI with stone of a size of 10 mm in your kidney since 2012 associated with Pyelonephritis .
In view if the size of the stone being increasing and associated with infection it is not advisable to leave the stone which itself is an source of infection and must be treated .
I would suggest you to consult qualified Urologist and get following basic tests done to decide the further modality of treatment .
1) Urine culture
2) Renal function tests
3) Intra Venous Pyelography (I V P )
4) Ultrasound of abdomen.
The commonest modality of treatment for such stones is either by a non invasive procedure called Extra Corporeal Shock wave lithotripsy (E.S .W.L) if the stone is located in Renal Pelvis or Upper and middle calyx or by minimally invasive endoscopic procedure called Per Cutaneous Nephro Lithotomy (P.C.N.L)) if the stone is situated in lower calyx.
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.