What Is GERD (reflux Disease) And How Is It Treated ?
Thanks for posting your query
There are various causes of XXXXXXX bowel with upper abdominal discomfort as Food poisoning,Ulcers,Malabsorption,Infectious diarrhoea etc.
The symptoms reported by you such as nausea especially at night with gurgling stomach and feeling better after food intake is indicative of Acid Reflux due to excess acid formation. Also since the Endoscopy has been done so Ulcers would have been ruled out.
XXXXXXX stool can also be due to dietary intake of spinach and brocolli or any dietary supplement.The bowel movement being normal is a good symptom.
Some suggestions for you:
Have small frequent meals in a day.
Avoid fatty,refined and processed food intake.
Have more of fresh fruits and veggies.
Do not lie down immediately after meals and go for a walk daily.
Avoid smoking and alcohol.
While lying down on bed keep your head portion elevated by using pillows to avoid reflux.
Take the prescribed medication accordingly.
If you notice any changes in the bowel motility and colour (as frequent stools and colour black or tarry in consistency)then it might be indicative of any underlying disorder and consider visiting your Healthcare Provider for evaluation
Hope I have answered your query.I will be available for follow up query if any.
i could not focus. To me it seems like my body is having a tough time digesting properly, from the minute I swallow food, right up unntil it exits. I've done some research on acid reflux..and it always mentions hearburn..i am not experiencing heartburn..can it be acid reflux despite not having heartburn? and also, can an episode of acid reflux go on for 10 days like this? I am concerned bc I am losing weight as it is difficult to force food down at times. My Dr. has put me on Omeprazole (20mg)..This is day 2 of that..Just wondering, how long before the meds kick in or I know they are not working?
In condition like GERD(reflux disease)acid reflux can present without heartburn and acid reflux can be there for days together.If the food is not being digested then it can be indication of Gastroparesis(slow emptying of stomach contents) But weight loss being present can indicate any Gall Bladder issue as Gall stones or Cholecystitis.
Take the prescribed medications and follow the suggestions I have explained.
If even after 5 days the symptoms persist or the symptoms worsen then consider visiting another Physician for examination and you might require USG scan to rule out any Gall Bladder disease.
Wishing you Good Health!
1) Can gall bladder disease/issues make me "feel sick" like this constantly? As i mentioned, once the nausea subsides and goes away i seem to be a little better and can eat. but have not felt like "myself" in over 10 days..
2) Does gall bladder disease impact bowel movements as well? Also, I drank 2 Ensure products yesterday (the dark chocolate ones to maintain weight)..and this morning had dark brown-like (like dark chocolate pudding color) bowel movements..Can ensure do that?
3) I read that gall bladder disease presents with pain. I am not really in "pain"..mine is more discomfort with the gassy, bubbly gurgling feeling in the upper abdomen.
4) lastly, I forgot to mention, I have also been experiencing night sweats the last couple of nights as well..waking up to find my shirt wet..didn't know if this was indicative of anything..
Thanks so much
Your queries are:
1)Can gall bladder disease/issues make me "feel sick" like this constantly?
Yes Gall Bladder stones/infection can cause symptoms of nausea and make you feel sick.Since GB produces bile which helps in food digestion that can be affected.
2)Does gall bladder disease impact bowel movements as well?
Yes GB disease can cause altered bowel movements specially Diarrhoea. The dark bowel might be due to Ensure.It can happen.
3)) I read that gall bladder disease presents with pain. I am not really in "pain"..mine is more discomfort with the gassy, bubbly gurgling feeling in the upper abdomen.
Several times Gall Bladder disorders do not have pain. Though pain is the common symptom but its not like that always pain should be present.
4)I have also been experiencing night sweats the last couple of nights
Night sweats may or may not be present in the gall bladder infection.
Take Care!