What Is A Unicornuate Uterus?
Detailed Answer:
I read your query and I understand your concerns.
Following is my reply
1. Unicornuate uterus is a condition where in only one horn of uterus is well developed. Means your your uterus is half and hence it is difficult to carry pregnancy in such uterus.
2. Since there are large fibroids, they might compress uterus and appear like Unicornuate uterus. HSG cannot differentiate this.
3. Best solution for you is to undergo laparoscopy to remove fibroid and hysteroscopy to evaluate uterine cavity to confirm if there is Unicornuate uterus.
4. Laparoscopy can simultaneously remove the fibroids.
5. If you are not willing for laparoscopy then you have to undergo only hysteroscopy which will decide if Unicornuate uterus is present.
6. Since you are already 40 years old get ovarian reserve tested by a good IVF centre and see if you have enough eggs to conceive at this age even if you get uterus surgery done.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
Dr. Mahesh Koregol
IVF and infertility Specialist
Detailed Answer:
Hysteroscopy can show if there is fibroid compressing or endometrial compression. It can also check if cavity of uterus is adequate to carry pregnancy in case IVF done.
In your case only IVF with donor eggs seem to be best option as your ovarian reserve is very low based on hormonal reports you sent.
Ovarian reserve
Detailed Answer:
I understand how you feel. But unfortunately every woman is born with a particular number of eggs which get exhausted with each menstrual cycle in her life. This appears to be the scenario in your case. Your ovarian reserve seems to be exhausted with limited reserve.
There is no way this can be improved with any medicines.
Clomiphene citrate is a drug used in woman with normal ovarian reserve to stimulate and increase egg size. This cannot be used in you as ovarian reserve is less in your case.
Ovum donation seems to be the only solution.