What Is Hepatitis A Reactive 7.42? What Precautions And Medicines Are To Be Taken?
Hepatitis A is a water borne virus which infects the liver and causes liver inflammation. It may be associated with Jaundice, especially in adults.
The value perse has no meaning and is only used to determine if the viral infection has occured or not. Further if it is Anti HAV IgM then it indicates active or recent infection and Anti HAV IgG suggests an old infection.
It is transmitted by contaminated food and water - hence take care to take good hygenically prepared food and clean water
HAV hepatitis is a self limiting infection. Management is basically supportive and depends on the level of liver dysfunction. There is no specific treatment for it. You need to keep eating frequently and restrain from strenuous exercises.
It is a self limiting disease and recovers completely in most. Rest it depends on the LFT and PT, INR report.
She can eat everything that is hygenic and clean
Wish you a speedy recovery