Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
As far as I can understand, you have two concerns ( correct me if I am wrong here ).
First is the semi annual or annual illness. All the symptoms point towards a
urinary tract infection.
You should see a
Nephrologist for sure, and ensure that the following workup is done -
1. Urine routine microscopy and culture.
Ultrasound of the KUB ( kidney ureter bladder ) region.
3. A pyelogram if possible ( this involves XXXXXXX injection so please mention the earlier reaction to the XXXXXXX to your specialist ).
Am pretty much sure that the symptoms all point towards a lingering urinary tract infection.
Hydration will help, also cranberry juice plays a role.
Please get her blood sugars tested for latent diabetes.
The second issue regarding conception.
You need to consult an
Infertility specialist for that.
If the tubes are open ( please upload the reports so I can tell you for sure if that is so - the discharge summary of the
laparoscopy for example ), then the following workup should be done -
1. Your
semen analysis.
2. Her hormonal levels - FSH, LH, TSH, Prolactin, OGTT.
3. Follicular monitoring - serial tracking of the egg follicle by ultrasound to check for ovulation.
4. A thorough internal check up - per speculum and per vaginum to detect any lingering infection there.
Once this is done, the treatment can be tailored accordingly.
Take regular
folic acid supplements and maintain an ideal BMI.
All the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.