Question: I am 50 y/o male
I have a history of UTI since my 20’s
I have had
Prostatitis once before about 8 months ago
5 weeks ago I had foul smell in my urine, pain in bladder, pain in the tip of my penis, burning in the tip of my penis when I urinate, and the underside of my penis;
3 weeks ago I went to my GP; he prescribe Bactin, UTI test negative no blood everything normal
2 week ago I followed up, UTI test negative no blood everything normal, he changed my prescription to
Macrobid and referred me to a Urologist; my bladder pain was gone but I was still having , pain in the tip of my penis, burning in the tip of my penis when I urinate, and the underside of my penis;
1 week ago I went to the Urologist; UTI test negative no blood everything normal, I was still having pain in the tip of my penis, burning in the tip of my penis when I urinate, and the underside of my penis; he changed my prescription to Doxycycline, why? I told him that around 5 – 6 weeks ago I had a
massage and the lady masturbated me at the end of my massage, no oral, no sex…so to be safe he said I will changed your prescription to Doxy;
I have taken 5 doses of Doxy, Question: How soon should I feel better?
How soon till the pain and burning goes away?
How many days?
Finally; in the morning when a wake up there is no pain or very very minimal pain; but as the day goes on the pain gets worst and at night it also gets worse in the tip of my penis, burning in the tip of my penis when I urinate, and the underside of my penis;
I am not taking ibroprofen