I looked up
scabies on the internet and I do not have the rash, I am not scratching till I have
scars, I am sure it is not scabies. anything else it could be?
You selected
skin rash, but there is absolutely no rash. it is simply itching. and some liquid not thick like pus, more like sweat, but it isn't sweat and it itches. comes out of my pores, but no rash ... you spoke about a funal infection. would that make the whole body itch? I've heard of foot fungus, but the whole body?
I forgot to mention that my teeth/ gums hurt and I know it's not cavities (I went to the
dentist) and they started when the itching happened... now I looked up all types of fungal infections (skin, which is what I assume you meant)... and all of them show something on the skin. again, there is no rash whatsoever, it is just extreme itching, even with the
hydroxyzine... do u have any other insight on what it would be?
also most of the itching = at ankles, sometimes leg, sometimes arms... sometimes face. sometimes eyebrows, sometimes
scalp, sometimes ears, ... as soon as I stop scratching one place it itches in another. I hope u can help, or refer me to someone who can. thanks in advance.