I also wanted to mention that on 12/30/13 i was at a football game when this first occured. The burning sensations radiated through
limbs and i was having XXXXXXX episodes of
blurred vision, and
eye twitches. I also had decreased motor fx of my hands. Particularly when objects were handed to me, ex: water bottle, cell phone. It was very difficult for me to focus on grabbing those objects, to the point where my eyes seemed to to twitch, hands would shake and i would just about drop whatever was handed to me.
It was cold out ,but i was trembling bilaterally in my limbs. Medics assisted me, ekg was done and
sinus rhythm. My BP was initially 122/80 , which is a bit higher then my normal- -but then shot up to 160\88. Since then my arms or legs seem to jerk while i am sleeping that it awakens me. The first night i believe i may have been going apneic for a few seconds while sleeping. My arms or legs would jerk, then i would awaken startled and have SOB.
For the days after i have had decreased motor skills in hands, the burning and
tingling sensations in arms along w the visual disturbances and
dizziness. What are some key questions/ things i should ask? Does this type of pathology seem to be treated w a successful outcome? Lastly, did i wait too long to seek tx?
Primary care physician gave me rx for gambapentin, 100mg.
*Medications i take: orsythia- 28, d/c approx 3 wks ago
*Latisse, could this be a cause?
* i am active, at IBW
*Mild-moderate drinker