What Is The Cause Of Adult Bed Wetting ?
Thanks for your query,
Adult onset bedwetting is classified as secondary nocturnal enuresis. One of the most common causes of secondary nocturnal enuresis is a bladder, and consequentially, there is a lack of control when it comes to urination.
If this is the cause, then the person will most likely experience incontinence during the day as well.
It can signal the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.
Sleep disorders such as night seizures and sleep apnea can also trigger enuresis.
Additional causes of secondary enuresis may also include
urinary tract stones, neurological disorders,
anatomical abnormalities, urinary tract calculi,
prostate cancer, prostate enlargement, antipsychotic drugs intake
bladder cancer, and obstructive sleep apnea.
In very rare cases, acute anxiety or emotional disorder may cause adult bedwetting.
As in your case diabetes ,UTI, Prostate problems are ruled out.
Is he undergoin any stress?
Any h/o any drug intake?
A visit to neurologist will be advisable.
Spinal tap for CSF exam will rule out neurological involvement.
Mostly condition will be short lasting in absence of any definite cause.
However complete work up is essential.
Hope this answers your query.
Feel free to ask any further questions.
Take care.