What Is The Incubation Period For HPV Warts?
Thank you
No risk of Hpv
Detailed Answer:
Hello. Thank you for writing to us
I am Dr. Kakkar (Dermatologist and Venereologist).
Genital HPV is commonly caused by HPV types 6,11. The virus is acquired by either direct skin to skin heterosexual contact or rarely through unprotected ora-genital sex from a partner with oral warts.
However there is no risk of HPV if the oral sex was protected because a condom would serve as a barrier for direct sexual contact. Secondly, a handjob whether protected or unprotected is absolutely safe in terms of risk of transmitting HPV.
The incubation period between HPV infection and development of genital warts is variable varying between a few days to 18-20 months after infection.
Let me know if you're having any further queries..
If my wife were to have a positive pap smear would it be the result of these 2 exposures?
No risk of high risk genital hpv in you or wife through these particular ac
Detailed Answer:
No. There is no risk of acquiring high risk genital HPV types through an act of protected oral sex or a hand job. So, there is no question of you passing it further on to your wife. If your wife were to develop a postive Pap smear it us certainly not because of these 2 incidents
Scrotal skin would'nt be infected just by contact with infectious secretion
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No risk of developing warts from these 2 incidents. Intact scrotal skin is much more resistant as compared to genital mucosa and theoretically speaking a wart would develop only if it gets a chance to innoculate in epidermis through rubbing or scratching (because it has to innoculate in to the basal layer of epidermis).
Oral warts can form due to oro-genital sex (performing oral sex on an individual with genital warts/ Hpv infection) and are caused by the same Hpv types which cause genital warts i.e 6 and 11.
No, if there are no warts in oral mucosa, Hpv cannot be passed on through oral sex to genitalia (baring, though rarely, if there is a subclinical Hpv infection). You anyways don't have to worry about this route because you had a protected sex!! so there was no direct contact between her oral mucosa and your genitalia.
There i no risk either to you or your wife, due to these 2 incidents
Detailed Answer:
Yes. there is 0% chance that you could have got Hpv through any of these instances and thereby a 100% certainty of not having passed Hpv to your wife as a consequence of these 2 incidents. Twenty months is the maximum time frame or the upper limit between acquiring infection and before one could develop warts.