What Is The Normal Range Of Plasma Level In Blood During Pregnancy?
The plasma transfusion will not affect the baby or the delivery
Detailed Answer:
Hello sir, and I hope I can help you today.
It sounds like your wife was having symptoms of premature labor and your OBG doctor treated it with an injectable medicine (likely called Terbutaline... used to stop contractions) and IV fluids (which also help stop premature contractions).
However, blood plasma contains many proteins, such as clotting factors, albumin, and other cells used by the body for immunity. It is used to treat bleeding disorders, low blood protein, and even low blood pressure. It is not possible for me to know exactly what your doctor was treating by giving your wife plasma, but I can tell you that it will have no harmful effects on the baby or her delivery.
So it is not your wife's plasma level, but rather a level in her blood that the doctor was likely treating. I would try to get more specific information from the doctor, but in the meantime it is important that your wife drink plenty of water and get enough rest.
If she develops regular abdominal pains that do not stop when she rests, or any vaginal bleeding, or leakage of thin watery fluid, she should go to the hospital for evaluation or call and see your doctor.
I hope i was able to adequately answer your queston today and that my advice was helpful.
Best wishes to you and your wife for the rest of the pregnancy,
Dr. Brown
Plasma is simply a liquid substance in your blood that red cells float in
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry sir... I think you may have misunderstood your physician.
Substances dissolved in the plasma component of blood are tested for levels. All your plasma is is the part of your blood that is not red. The red blood cells that carry oxygen in your body float in plasma, along with many proteins, platelets, vitamins, clotting factors, and other substances that the body needs. It is not possible to know what component of plasma your doctor was trying to correct in your wife. Plasma is given for a transfusion if any of the substances it carries (for example, clotting factors) is at a dangerously low level in the body.
So I imagine that whatever deficiency your doctor was trying to correct, it must have been quite severe if a dietary change was not recommended to you for initial treatment.
In the meantime, I would try to have your local doctor clarify what exactly he was treating in your wife, because an actually "plasma level" test does not exist. There are plasma levels of individual substances, for example drugs are carried in plasma so the test would be called "plasma level" of (drug). So I think there must be some misunderstanding of your local physician.
I hope this clarifies things for you and I would be happy to discuss how to maintain proper levels of whatever substances your doctor found deficient in your wife's plasma once you find out more information from your doctor.
Best wishes, Dr. Brown