Question: Hi, I am XXXX, Aged 31 Years Male from Bangalore.
From the past 6 months I had
severe acne breakouts and boils/bubbles on my face.
From the past 3 months I have been visiting
Dermatologist however results have not been satisfactory.
I started off with
Minocycline (Minoz 50)/Cynomycin along with cleargel for 4 weeks, & seeing the acne not responding to this medication (Presumably for
Acne Vulgaris Gr III), my dermatologist refered me to
Isotretinoin 10mg for 1 Month, I was hesistant to take Accutane/Isotretinoin considering the possible side effects and phsychological issues.
So i have thought to take a break as my skin was totally irrirated with red scars and pimple marks, so I have asked something to calm & soothe my skin, so have been using Aloevera Gel, however the acne issue is still continuing.
Now from the past 6 week i have been taking Azithtral 500mg thrice a week to control the bacteria and acne burst, but still new pimples keep forming below the skin surface and emerge out, at any given point of time 5-8 pimple are active on the face and can feel the new ones in pipeline. As soon as the old pimples die down after leaving marks and scars, the new one emerge, this cycle is continuing ever since.
Also has been using Tretin cream .025 thrice a week on the black pimple marks, this flakes away the top skin but not of much help.
Please note all this 3 months i have been on using
Microdermabrasion (some 8 sitting with break of 1 or 2 weeks) & 2 sessions of
chemical peels without much results, at the end of all this, my face skin has become very irritated and with some pimples and acne and old marks and minor scarring, I am back to squareone with all this effort and money, still no sign of relief.
I shall me travelling to Germany in a month and I'm sure with the change in climate and stress, situation might get worse with severe breakdowns, please asisst.