What Is The Success Rate Of Tubal Ligation?
IVF remains ideal and more realsitic
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
I understand this could be disturbing and even frustrating. You are right with reported failure rates with tubal ligations. Most reports indicate failure rates up to about 3% percent. However, we cannot count on failure rates while we look for a baby. The risk of ectopic pregnancy, the time that might be needed to get pregnant and the relatively low probability of getting pregnant naturally after reversal, in my opinion, I think IVF remains ideal.
A reversal is good, but with raised risk of ectopic pregnancy.
I am a strong believer in prayers and they work. But if I were to objectively give an opinion, I would go in for reversal in the last place, but Ideally I recommend IVF.
Thanks and kind regards as I wish you the best of health and luck,
Dr bain