What Is The Use Of Arpiprazole?
It is used in convulsion with depressive disorder.
Detailed Answer:
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I had gone through your query.
Ariprprazole is anti psychotic medicine and it is helpful to control psychotic illness like schizophrenia, schizo affective, brief psychotic disorders. But it has dual role in depression too.
Prestiq is Desvenlaflaxin and it is NDRI (Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors). It is now days widely used in depression and anxiety disorder.
Combination of prestiq and aripiprazole can be given in depression/ resistant depression or depression with psychotic features.
Episole (phenytoin) has no role in psychological illness and it is gold standard to use in convulsion or seizure disorders.
On basis of your prescription I would like to say that you may have convulsion with depression. But detail history needed to confirm it. So please provide your history and symptoms those made you to visit your doctor.
Many cases of generalized tonic clonic seizures are associated with depression and behavior disturbances in which above mentioned medicines are given.
Consult your treating doctor for further help and advise.
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