What Makes One To Take Deep Breaths Frequently?
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Detailed Answer:
Welcome to HCM.
I have read your query and understand the concern.
As far as I understood,you might be having some breathing issues due to which you need to take deep breaths frequently.
However,to understand your condition better,I will need to ask some more information,
Do you have a problem of gas trouble or stomach bloating?
Have you suffered from throat infection recently?
Since you have taken prilosec (omeprazole) assuming that it could be related acid reflux and it also gave you little relief,but in my advise you will need to take proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole 20mg or pantoprazole 40) in combination with prokinetic drugs (levosulpride 75 mg) rather than omeprazole alone.
The above combination pills actually increases stomach emptying time along with effect on gasteoesophageal sphincter and for that,I will suggest you to go to a nearby pharmacy and ask the pharmacist a brand or a pill with a combination of pantoprazole 40 and levosulpride or omeprazole and levosulpiride
The acid reflux occurs due to relaxation of the sphincter at the lower part of esophagus and this refluxed acid sometimes enters into the respiratory tract and may cause throat inflammation which could be the reason of your breathing difficulty apart from stomach bloating (if so).
So,at present I would keep throat infection (due to acid reflux) as the first possibility and stomach bloating as a second possibility.
However,once you will provide me more information,then it will be helpful for me to guide you accordingly.
Also,you may go for for some routine blood works (CBC,ESR) to rule out any other infective component of respiratory tract.
For back pain,you can take over the counter pain killer (aleve 400mg) with meal and antacids for a symptomatic relief.
And kindly get back to me with some more information as I asked.
Dr.Sandip Kabra