What Medication Causes High Protein In Urine?
NSAIDS, penicillamine, lithium- can damage kidneys and cause protein
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Protein in the urine is called proteinuria.
There are some medications that can damage the kidneys can cause protein in the urine but in most cases, the protein is not due to a serious cause.
Medications that cause damage and then protein in the urine are NSAIDS (ibuprofen, cataflam, advil etc),lithium, penicillamine.
In most cases as mentionend before, protein in the urine is benign, there is no serious cause. The causes of benign proteinuria are: (1) dehydration
(2)emotional stress- severe
(4)heat injury
(5)intense activity
(6)recent illness
(7)inflammation- can occur with infection, trauma, allergies
Protein can also occur in many other illnesses including diabetes and high blood pressure
To find the cause , may need to:(1) repeat the urine and retest to see if protein still present. In most cases, when the dipstick reads trace, 1+ or 2 +, the test is repeated 2 to 3 times in a month to see if it changes
If it is negative then nothing further needs to be done.
If it is positive then the below tests would need to be done:
(2)urine protein/creatinine ratio or 24 hour protein :to get any idea of the amount of protein present
(3)urine should also be sent to a lab for the lab techs to take a look
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions