What Vitamins Are Advisable Before A Toupet Versus Nissen Fundoplication?
I'm scheduled for a nissen or toupet fundoplication surgery next Friday.
I just want to know about vitamins and other stuff.
What vitamin is good to take before surgery and what should I definitely not take.
I use to take:
Vitamin D, calcium and magnesium.
Vitamin b12
sometimes a multi b-vitamin
what else can I do before surgery that will improve the chances of success and minimize the chances of complications ? ..
what about eating before the surgery ? what is the best way to do this; so I can feel good before and after ?
Since I got the message yesterday about my surgery date; my body has been restless; restless arms and hands just suddenly. I read a lot about this on the internet and the only thing I can find is tremor and Parkinson disease; but this is not something that happens over hours right ?? ..
could this arms, hand restlessness be a symptoms of worrying and anxiety ?
I tried a 2,5mg diazepam today and that definitely helped; what does that mean and what this rule out ?
best Regards XXXXXXX
as explained in details.
Detailed Answer:
Nice to interact again, the one before was on 14 Oct 2016.
Nice to know that your Surgery has been fixed and I am sure you have have pre-operative counselling with the Team of Doctors and nurses already or will be planned soon to hear the details.
Noted the history you have posted now and understood your concerns.
I would advise you the following:
Get the blood tests of the vitamins that are available e.g. Vitamin D and get the deficiencies corrected.
Inquire with the Lab, they may have the ''comprehensive vitamin panel'' - watch for the cost-effectiveness.
Your next query is about what else can you do.
- Deep breathing exercises
- Regularize the bowel
- Stop smoking or drinking if at all you do.
- Avoid eating outside. Only home made food ; You will be given the instruction about the food, that you have to follow strictly.
- Keep calm and contained. Your Symptoms of restless are due to anxiety and stress.
- Get a prescription of Citlopram if required, if Diazepam does not work; as you were taking in past
- I would also advise you to stop reading anything on internet as it may confuse you, may increase stress and/or anxiety.
You are young and the surgery, anesthesia and the outcome is always very good if you stop worrying and thinking about it, get involved into work.
Complete faith works in any fiend, it works wonders in Surgical practice.
Wishing you all the best for your Surgery.
Please feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.
the doctors will ofcourse do bloodtest the day before surgery.
But I haven't ever had problem with restless arms; but I use to have problems with anxiety and depression.
But after sitting with the computer two days after finding out the date of the surgery; I did go get a pen and my left hand was shaking. I did go get a shower and the hand never shake again; but I still feel like restless and fatigue and which makes my hands not as controllable as they were before.
Does this even mean tremor or just Physiologic tremor; which is a temporary thing ?
best regards XXXXXXX
Get a clinical evaluation and investigations before surgery
Detailed Answer:
This can be ''intentional tremors'' due to anxiety/stress.. Physiologic as you said.
I can understand.
Please discuss this issue with the Team so that you get appropriate guidance, diagnosis and treatment if and as needed.
All the best for your surgery.