When Is The Best Time For An Intercourse For Positive Conception After Taking Trigger Dose ?
Thanks for writing to us.
A single intercourse is not likely to fertilize the ovum that will be released. After giving the trigger, ovulation occurs in almost 90% cases. With two follicles near maturation, it might be possible that both of them burst releasing two ova but nothing can be said for sure. Only the time will tell.
You do not have much of choice except for participating in intercourse at least once daily. After the trigger is given, 90% of time ovulation happens within 24 hours. It is very difficult to pinpoint a time when you will ovulate.
Do not presume that your husband cannot perform, that is even stressful, so get along each other and allocate time for yourself at this primetime.
You will do good and all the best.
I hope you have found my answer and recommendations to be both adequate and helpful. Should you have additional questions I am available to address them.