White Bump On Clitoris, Post Intercourse, Scratched On Vagina. Treatment ?
Thanks for writing to us.
The cause of a small white bump on the clitoris can be one of the following:-
1. Bartholin's Cyst - Bartholin's cyst is formed when a Bartholin's gland is blocked, causing a fluid-filled cyst to develop. Bartholin's cyst is not an infection, although it can be caused by an infection, inflammation, or physical blockage (mucus or other impediment) to the Bartholin's ducts (tubes which lead from the glands to the vulva).
2. Infected hair follicles or folliculitis - can cause a small swelling, but is usually associated with redness and throbbing pain.
3. Genital wart-Caused by viruses. Can be dissolved using creams.
Proper diagnosis requires a proper physical examination of the swelling in question. You might consult a gynaecologist who can examine and then decide on the appropriate treatment.
I hope this answers your questions effectively.
In case you have additional questions or doubts, you can forward them to me, and I shall be glad to help you out.