Why Am I Getting Tingling Sensation On Fingers?
He could not understand what was happening also my legs from my feet to the knees are tingling and they are continue sly hot to warm and for the past three months my heart rate is 100. To 110
The tingling in the fingers could probably due to a peripheral neuropathy, in your case a diabetes neuropathy. Treatment relies on an appropriate glucose control and other drugs like anti epileptics (especially tegretol or gabapentin) and tricyclic anti depressants. They deserve a proper clinical evaluation before prescription and monitoring.
The heat and tightness at the level of the wrists are very suggestive of an inflammatory or autoimmune disease. The most common could be rheumatoid arthritis. Tests such as rheumatoid factor, CRP, and other markers of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases would be very appropriate in this case.
Taking an appointment with a rheumatologist is my utmost advice. Discussing the tingling with your physician for diabetes for a proper glucose control and follow up esecially through HbA1c measures could be helpful. Screening for a diabetic neuropathy is helpful too.
Thanks nd best regards. You need to XXXXXXX a rheumatologist and discuss your tigling concerns with your treating physician and the rheumatologist.
Best regards,
Luchuo, MD.