Brief Answer:
A focused approach, withdrawal with doctor's help
Detailed Answer:
Received your follow up query. Thanks.
Withdrawal from
Suboxem is a long procedure, a gradual withdrawal is essential & it's over weeks, months & sometimes year's process, depending on symptoms & individual.
* You seem to have some misunderstanding about your doctor, please revisit her, and tell your problem she may agree for a slower withdrawal. If not, you can always have 2nd opinion/try another Suboxem doctor. BUT withdrawal without a doctor's supervision is not advisable.
Advil 800 mg is also an Ibuprophen preparation, with less risk of side effects.
If it's not giving you relief, you can try Acetoaminophen 1000mg four hourly-along with antacids, after food---as per need.
muscle weakness is well taken care of by calcium, Vitamin D,E & B12 supplements. In fact I would advice you to have a well balanced diet with sufficient proteins/carbohydrates/iron too.
*From your query you seem to be tense, irritated, depressed due to the
withdrawal symptoms.50% of pain is said to be Psychological
Please understand to withdraw from the drug is easier / better than to have Suboxen addiction/toxicity. To have good quality of life should be one's aim, while facing withdrawal symptoms.
* From this point of view-
-You should try & have sufficient rest form your work. Engage you time
in the task you like most.
- Join 12 step support group.
- take help of a psychologist/psychotherapist.Have anxiolytic with his advice.
* You can take help of Interventions like-
Acupuncture therapy, lesser therapy, Radiofrequensy nuro modulation.-
In the end, I would say , In these days of modern technology, science is progressing day by day So to provide you all possible old/new treatment options after judging them in light of personal medical knowledge/experience ---one has
to use internet. No miss understanding please!.
Hope, you gather enough courage & information to stick to the withdrawal plan. I will be happy to help, in case of further query.
Note: For more detailed guidance, please consult an Internal Medicine Specialist, with your latest reports.
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