Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
menopause, there is a fall in your
estrogen levels.
This local deficiency of estrogen affects the vaginal and urinary tract mucosa also.
The mucosa becomes devoid of blood supply and elasticity, and becomes dry and brittle.
The fragile mucosa becomes easily prone to injuries, breakage and infections.
This condition is called
atrophic vaginitis /
I think this is what has happened to you.
This condition would definitely show up on local examination by a gynecologist - on per vaginum and per speculum examination.
It is strange that this was not picked up.
Also, with a normal internal examination and a normal
ultrasound, the list of conditions is almost narrowed down to zero.
Because all the possible explanations ( atrophic vaginitis,
urinary tract infection, vaginitis, an
abscess developing ) would show up for sure on examination.
Please get a urinary microscopic routine examination plus a urine culture done.
THat would show infection if it exists.
Drink a lot of water.
Use lubricants during intercourse ( KY Jelly for example ).
As a last resort, local estrogen creams might be employed to gain relief.
This is only after re consultation with your doctor , keeping in view that symptoms are persistent.
All the best.
Please feel free to ask for further clarifications.
Note: Revert back with your gynae reports to get a clear medical analysis by our expert Gynecologic Oncologist.
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