Why Do I Have Headache And Spasm After Having Bakery Food?
You are a young man with symptoms suggestive of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
with constipation predominant. Sometimes mood changes, depression and
anxiety go with this.
If you have problem with bread, especially wheat , you have to think about
gluten sensitivity or Celiac disease. This can happen with Rye,Oats and Barley
If you do suffer from heartburn, indigestion, upper abdominal distress, you
may also have GERD (Gastro-esophageal-reflux-disease).
Tomato based products, caffeine, alcohol, citrus fruits and drinks make this
worse. So does chocolate.
You need to be on a high fiber diet or take fiber supplements with plenty
of fluids. You may want to consider stool softeners daily or a Polyethylene
Glycol solution to regulate your bowels to relieive constipation.
Have your Thyroid blood tests done. Blood tests for Celiac disease are
very sensitive and accurate. If positive , you need to be on a strict
gluten free diet.
I hope you can discuss all of these with your own doctor who can send
you for proper tests.
I wish you well.
I have already made the test gluten sensitivity and nothing appears at the exam , I think my symptoms match to the omega 3 and a capsule with mint . I don't know all the foods that cause this problems .there are some list of some foods?
I am assuming that you were tested for Celiac with blood tests.
As for specific foods that trigger IBS symtoms , it is all individual.
Best is to keep a diary and make a list of things you eat or drink
every day and how you felt that day. If you do that for one or two
weeks and then look at the list , you may find some common factor.
I wish you well.