Why Do I Have Painful Bloating Between Periods?
Thanks for the query.
First I would suggest that an ultrasound be done. A pap smear is also needed at this point if you haven't had one. If the pap test is significant,then a colposcpy should be done to confirm abnormal cells in the uterine.
At your age, 2 main causes need to be ruled out.
1.Endometrial cancer
2.Cervical cancer.
For the first, and ultrasound and then,a D&C needs to be done. The sample is sent for pathology and if there is any malignancy,its treated accordingly.
For the second, the pap and the colposcpy are enough for diangnosis.
If both are ruled out,then othere causes that present like yours are fibroids ,adenomyosis,endometriosis.
All are treatable and the ultrasound will help in the diagnosis.
From what you have said you are due to have the biopsy and the usg.
The lesions seen on your cervix could be due to infection also that why a pap should be repeated.Proper follow up is required.
Carry on with the line of management you are getting but do talk with your doctor about the pap if it hasn't been done.
Hope this answer is informative and adequate. Should you have any more concerns, I am available for follow ups.
The pap will not be able to tell whether you have endometrial cancer.
Only a endometrial biospy can confirm that. If your pap is normal the cervical cancer can be ruled out. Now an ultrasound and and the endometrial biopsy need to be done. Both these tests can help determine endometrial cancer,fibroids etc.
Hope this is useful and informative.
Wish you good health.