Why Do I Regularly Get Fever And Dizziness?
Thank you for your query.
Fever indicates infection, inflammation or destruction of cells and tissue in the body. When our cells disintegrate, they release pyrogens which alert other cells and also cause fever (pyrexia). Most human pathogens (bacteria, viruses) thrive and multiply best at temperatures just under normal response where the increase in body temperature slows down the growth of the offending organisms. However, uncontrolled or high increase in body temperature (hyperpyrexia) is XXXXXXX for our bodies and hence high fever above 102 degrees Fahrenheit is usually lowered by medicines.
A colovesical fistula is the most probable cause of your fever. It is rare in females because the uterus lies between the colon and the bladder. It is more common in male patients. Therefore you should get a CT Abdomen & Pelvis with contrast along with an MRI done to locate the fistula. This must be surgically treated and closed.
Your dizziness is a sign of weakness due to long term infection and inflammation in the body. What drew me to your query was the dizziness, but it does not seem to be affected by change of position, lasts all day and you do not have any ear complaints. Hence it does not seem to be an local ENT problem.Get a complete blood profile and routine urine and stool done. This will help find the exact cause. At the same time, get a urine culture done. Rule out chronic diseases such a tuberculosis , since you have pain in the upper spine and evening rise of fever. which can also cause perforations and fistulas. Remember that two or more conditions may co-exist. Rule out orthostatic hypotension. Your upper back pain may also be due to osteoporosis secondary to your Vitamin D Deficiency. Supplement you Calcium intake in addition to Vitamin D.
Since you are an asthmatic, refrain from using Motrin (Ibuprofen) which may worsens bronchospasm.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any follow up queries, I will be available to answer them.