Why Does Shortness Of Breath Occur After Hard Exercises ?
Thanks for your query.
I really appreciate that you have maintained such an endurance level. It is really commendable.
Shortness of Breath on exertion an occur due to three major reasons.
1. Airway disease - Such as Asthma and COAD (Smoking Related). Such condition are usually long standing and have identifiable risk factors.
2. Cardiac - This again is associated with other symptoms such as chest pain, sweating, swelling of legs, difficulty in lying down and so on.
3. Vascular Disease - Pulmonary Embolism can lead to such symptoms as it leads to reduced lung capacity.
The symptoms of dizzyness on standing up is suggestive of Postural Hypotension.
You definitely need a cardio-respiratory evaluation.
ECHO and Spirometry, ECG and X- XXXXXXX will be advisable.
Please consult your physician for the same.
Hope this answers your query.
Please get back if you need any further follow up information.
Thanks and Regards.
Dr Kiran.